Wisdom Words From Laoshi Edy Leo

Wisdom Words From Laoshi Edy Leo
Shao Zhuang Bu Nuli , Lao Da Tu Shang Bei.
Waktu muda tidak melakukan sesuatu dengan serius, waktu
tua hidupnya akan percuma saja dan menyedihkan.

Sabtu, 04 Desember 2010

Cara Membuat Kristal di Photoshop

1. Create a new document.Mine was 300X200 pixels. You would probably want something larger. Modify all the settings for a larger image size. Experiment.
Create a new layer
With the Polygon lasso tool, draw your rough shape. Notice that in Photoshop 6 you can draw off the canvas. When you get to the start/finish point you will see a little circle. As soon as you click on the start point, the entire shape will b loaded as a selection.

2. Fill with a dark color. Here I chose blue. Don't deselect.
3. Now we want to add a gradient, use this method : Select>modify>contract
I entered 6 pixels. If you are using a larger image size, consider 10 or even 15
4. Now we want to soften the selection. Select>Feather: I chose 5, you may want to choose 10
5. Choose a lighter shade of the same color as the crystals and fill. I chose light blue.
6. Duplicate the layer and add a gaussian blur to the copy. Move the blurred layer beneath the original layer.
7. Here I changed the background to black. Notice the original layer and the blurred layers.
8. Here is where the crystals take on their 3D look:
Add a layer style to the shape. (Click the little "f" at the bottom of the layers pallette)
Choose bevel and emboss.
Technique : Chisel soft
Increase the depth and size until you are happy with the result.
Change the gloss contour , uncheck global light and change the altitude to 7
9. To get the translucent crystal like opacity:
Still in the layer style box. go to Blending options
lower the fill opacity to 42. Press ok
In the layers pallette, change the blending mode to screen. 
10. Duplicate the crystal layer.
Press Ctrl/Cmd+T for free transform.
Rotate the new layer, you will see it interact with the other crystal layer.
11. Time to spruce up the background a bit. I added a linear gradient. You could do anything you wanted really. 
12. This is the result.
13. " Selamat Mencoba "

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